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The cancer roller coaster begins! – Entry #3

We awake after olive having a wonderful night sleep and great appetite. We get the day up and running with music, books and a special visit from grandmom.

After lunch the doctor shows up with a look no parent wants to see. In the conference room we were told that it is not definitive lymphoma. There is a chance now it could be a Thymoma, which could possibly mean surgical removal of the very large tumor followed by more aggressive chemo therapy. Tomorrow Olive will have a procedure to test her bone marrow, spinal fluid, a PICC line placed for future treatments and now a core biopsy taken from the tumor.

The full weight returns to our chest while we formulate the surgical plan for tomorrow (mommy using every possible connection to get the dream team for Olive).

The day moves on and we enjoy Ollie being her goofy old self wired on her steroids wanting to walk all over, play bowling, tick tack toe bean bag toss, show her little sister the playroom, play bumper cars with her, watch movies and play music at the same time. ( my kind of girl.)

Quinny leaves with Grandmom and dadda and momma and Olive settle in for some quiet time. Olive has always loved her classical “pretty music”.  This stay we have found such solitude with YO YO MA.

We encourage all to play some when they need to find peace with all of this.

Thank you for keeping Olive at the fore front of your thoughts and prayers.
All our love,
Meg & Adam