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Cell Block 501- Entry #38

IMG_0837Here we are locked and trying to be loaded with fun but it is tough.  We are in our 8th solid relentless month of this cancer BS and its just hard at times through out the day to say positive, creative and playful.  Olive is sick of being pulled away from home and her sister and stuck in her cell block now 501.  Her blood counts remain in the hole which in medical terms they refer to as the nader period.  Her bone marrow at this point is exhausted and is just not recovering as quickly.  We will remain here until Olive’s counts recover so she as some immunity and is safe to come home. We play on words and moments to just get us through…we are stuck in love and as one of my besties from back home(thanks for the mojo TAI!) texted me yesterday ” shine bright like a diamond” song by Rihanna.  Olive and I listened to it last night we are singing it to make it through (well that and of course a lot of kate perry).  We trying hard to shine bright like diamonds in the midst of this San Francisco summer cancer fog.

We are so close.  She did get her treatment last Friday and will get it this Friday.  Luckily these treatment you don’t have to make blood counts.  We are still rolling forward. Super Positive!!!  Olive will then have a week off to “recover” and then hopefully the next week she will make counts to start her maintenance phase.  It’s a big treatment but then her weekly treatments will turn into monthly treatments along with taking chemo pills daily until April 25th 2016.  Mark the date because there will be one hell of a celebration to follow.

Lots of Love