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A Weekend Home- Entry #32

IMG_0485Olive finished her first treatment Sunday night.  We were able to get home by 10pm, shower her and tuck her into bed for what we hope will be 13 nights before she gets readmitted for 4 days of treatment.  As the nurses were disconnecting her lines she flicked a rubber band across the room and announced”I’m breaking out of here”!  Was the funniest spontaneous quote. My sis, Erin, the nurse, Olive and I were all rolling with laughter.

Quinn was pumped in the morning at the surprise of her sister being home.  They have had lots of fun all the while Olive getting more and more pale and weak during the week.   Thursday night we were doing the fever checks. Olive was 100.2 and holding( not enough to go in but we were worried she was going to spike in the middle of the night.  Luckily we all woke Friday am and fevers were gone. AHHH big sigh of relief! Due to her fatigue we brought her in Friday for a blood check.  Olive was anemic, we went back later that afternoon for a blood transfusion and were out of there by 6pm to have family dinner!! Kate Perry was the radio and we sang and danced the whole way home.  This weekend has been amazing while we were playing in the backyard yesterday daddy had found a ladybug which then proceeded to crawl up Olive’s arm.  We are off to fairyland today as a surprise so shhhhh.

Have a beautiful weekend. Enjoy every minute.IMG_0458IMG_0468