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Gettin Our Groove On- Entry #11

Olive did great this past weekend after her second round of chemo.  She has been fortunate so far to tolerate the treatments well with her only side effect being exhaustion. She does not like to walk much and we have to convince her to get some fresh air for at least 3 days after treatment.  Naps have been added back to the routine and lots of craft projects at home.  By Tuesday Olive is back with energy and able to enjoy a few days before her next treatment.

Our mission this week was to get Olive on a good routine so we can support her love of school work, art projects ,and helping in the kitchen.  Through the city and Olive’s Elementary School (Francis Scott Key) we have been able to line up Olive’s wonderful, loving kindergarten teacher, Mrs. Cuper, to come 2 days a week for lessons.  Mrs. Cuper has also been dropping off school work, projects, recordings of book readings, loving cards from the kids in her school and so much more!  She is also working to get live skype in the classroom so Olive can still feel as though she is there with all her friends.  She is clearly another one of Olive’s angels who we just cannot thank enough for all of her hard work and love to Ollie.

As we meld into our third week of our new normal we are all  adjusting to our routines.  Olive is taking her medicine mostly without a fight these days. One of her medications has turned her into a “munch maniac” as she calls herself.  Craving veggie tacos and turkey burgers at 6 am, 730am, 9am, noon and so on.  She is passionate to help in the kitchen, finishing a couple of cooking projects with Grandmom this week, completing her work from school and her new recess involves playing her with new karaoke machine. Katie Perry, Roar, on permanent repeat.  Quinn is raging in her “2’s”  adding nice bits of humor when we need it.  I went back to work while Olive is doing well and Grandmom is here helping in SO MANY ways (we love you).   Adam is working but able to take off when needed.

Cancer has entered our lives completely uninvited.  It shook our ground but again thanks to our family and friends it has not knocked us down.  We will continue to have constant adjustments and I know rougher times are ahead but with Olive being Olive and the dream team that has surrounded us we will shine on.

