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Sun Soothing- Entry #20

What an amazing weekend we had!! Olive has had a great couple days post treatment.  We are learning what her limits are and making sure to always get in a lot of rest and fluids.  We continue to give her intravenous chemo every Saturday, Sunday, and Monday at home and she will keep having her intense Fridays in the hospital .  She also continues to take antibiotics every Saturday and Sunday am and pm which will continue 6mths after her treatment ends….3 years in total!  I have no excuse to forget my vitamins anymore.

This length of therapy can be overwhelming when I think of it in its entirety.  I have to stop myself sometimes…pause …breathe… get back to the moment and just focus on our goal.  Every good day is amazing!! Every Friday we make it to is another victory we have won.  Lets celebrate, no Fridays missed yet!! Go Ollie Go!

It’s funny I say that quite often these days, “Go Ollie Go”! It reminds me when we were thinking of names for her before she was born.  Olive came from deep within.  Almost like she chose it herself.  I could not find myself letting go of it.  Adam was not on board at first. Then I mentioned the nicknames that would go with it. If Olive is a beautiful dainty ballerina, we can call her Liv, if she is kicking ass on a soccer field we can be yelling “go Ollie go”!  Daddy was sold.  Olive it was.  Here we are 5.5 years later.  Olive was signed up to start soccer this spring.  Life choose a detour for her for a couple years.  We will still be cheering for her everyday, Olive is just kicking cancers ass this spring instead.


Thanks Auntie Debbie (my brother’s  wonderful wife) for making us feel like super heroes!! I pull energy from this each day!